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Don’t Win Customers, Create Fans

Back in the day Just role our minds back to a time where you walked in to a clothes shop and you received personal service from someone who actually cared. They cared that you left with the right item for you even if that meant delaying the purchase to order that item in. You would…
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One Word That Tests Any Claim Made In a Sales Interview

Finding and interviewing sales people and sales managers can be a challenge for a lot of businesses; Sales people are great at selling, that includes themsleves and their achievements. Quite often you will find people making claims to achievements that make them look like sales superstars and by confidently delivering the claim many of them…
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11 Networking Tips For Chickens

We are all chickens when it comes to walking into a room full of people we don’t know. I have spent the last two months networking to help get my new business off the ground and in doing so I have met some great people and had some brilliant conversations. As part of that journey…
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Sales And Marketing, “Smarketing” Or Just Smart Selling?

How blurred are the lines becoming between Sales and Marketing? Sales people are having to become marketers and marketing folk are having to become sales people. Due to changing buying habits purchasers are engaging with sales people much later in the sales process. Information is much more freely available and buyers can do so much…
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Commission, Bonus And What Really Motivates Sales People….

I used to subscribe to the notion that compensation drives behaviour in the world of professional sales but in recent years I have changed my view. Sometimes sales people in organisations get treated like some untamed beast. You throw some raw meat(bonus/commission) at once every now and again and they will carry on with their…
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1 Simple Thing You Can Do Today To Close More Business!

You don’t just have to be a sales person to benefit from this one but it is something that people find hard to do. It’s the key to unlocking so much: More salesPay riseBetter jobAdvice from a valued business mentorMarriageAlmost anything in life You’ve probably got it by now but the best and most simple…
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The Only 4 Reasons Why People Buy.

Quite simply there are only 4 reasons why anyone buys anything. All driven by emotion as you can read in my earlier blog “The Neuroscience of selling”. What are they? ConvenientRelationshipOne of a kindPrice C.R.O.P Let’s have a look at each of those…. Convenient It’s probably the most overlooked… We all buy things everyday because…
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The Neuroscience of selling.

Be honest, how much of your current sales pitch is currently based on lots of logical reasons why your customer should buy your product or service? They are probably generic too but we will talk about competitive advantage on another day. Being in a sales leadership role comes with the benefit of being sold to, so…
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The single best way to be better at sales!

There are a number of people out there willing to offer advice on how to improve your sales performance as a sales professional. Lots of “5 ways to……..”, “Three things that….” or “How to sell more in x days…”. The truth is that they all offer value but there is no silver bullet. Professional sales…
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