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Weekly Geek Episode #9 – The Simple Rule To Finding Customers

This week we explore the simple rule of how to find new customers and why you should fix that sales funnel before you try to fill it!

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Weekly Geek Episode #8 – Redefining Insanity

Albert Einstein once famously said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing in the same way an expecting different results. However for me in 2017 if you do the same thing in the same way and expect the same results you are also insane!

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Weekly Geek Episode #7 – Networking vs Social Networking

This week we explore the value between networking and social networking. Get busy and get out there!

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Weekly Geek Episode #6 – Marginal Gains And How “Why” Will Make You Better!

How “Why” is the best word in your business and how you can use marginal gains for big improvement.

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Weekly Geek Episode #4 – Working Hard vs Working Smart

This weeks instalment of Weekly Geek where we look at Working Hard vs Working Smart and how to be at the top of your game. Happy Selling Richard Sales Geek

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Weekly Geek Episode #3 – The Most Underrated Skill In Sales!

Hands down the most underrated skill in sales. Stop wasting time, effort and money! Happy selling!

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Weekly Geek Episode #2 – 7 Ways To Be Better At Negotiating

I share my 7 best ways to be better at negotiating. Get in touch if you want your sales questions answering. You can subscribe to get our weekly blog and video blog directly to your inbox. Richard

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Weekly Geek Episode #1

Every week we aim to answer your sales questions on our weekly video blog. This week I challenge the oldest sales cliché in the book! Send us your questions….

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