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Weekly Geek Episode #27 – People Buy From People

A super simple view of how to structure the spine of your sales process. We all know “Know, Like, Trust” but this extends it to ensure more success.

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Weekly Geek Episode #26 – Listening, The Forgotten Art

Listening is one of the greatest skills you can obtain and develop but more over the ability to learn and show the other person you are listening are priceless!

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Weekly Geek Episode #25 – Dreams And Goals!

How far are you pushing your long term goals and how SMART are your short term objectives?

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Weekly Geek Episode #24 – The 4 reasons people buy

There’s only for reasons why people buy from where they buy from and I highlight the one most small businesses over look as an opportunity to grow. Be easy to do business with!

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Weekly Geek Episode #23 – More on C”old” calling

Following last weeks video “C”old” calling in 90 seconds” I have been asked two questions: Why do I think cold calling is dead? and what should I do I do instead? so here is my response. As always I welcome your thoughts.

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Weekly Geek Episode #22 – C”old” Calling In 90 Seconds

Your opinions wanted below, please!

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Weekly Geek Episode #21 – The Funnel Explained

The sales funnel explained in under 3 mins! Want to understand the sales funnel better? How more leads does’nt always mean more sales.

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Weekly Geek Episode #20 – Simple Advice On Questions

To learn you must listen and to learn well you must ask great questions! Some simple advice on questions and how to use them well to learn more and close more sales.

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Weekly Geek Episode #19 – Finding The Time To Win More Customers

In recent weeks I have discussed giving more love to your current customers and investing more time in winning new ones and quite rightly I’ve been asked by a few people how they make the time for this extra work in their sales activity. Here is how!

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