Your opinions wanted below, please!
The sales funnel explained in under 3 mins! Want to understand the sales funnel better? How more leads does’nt always mean more sales.
To learn you must listen and to learn well you must ask great questions! Some simple advice on questions and how to use them well to learn more and close more sales.
In recent weeks I have discussed giving more love to your current customers and investing more time in winning new ones and quite rightly I’ve been asked by a few people how they make the time for this extra work in their sales activity. Here is how!
What can sales people and business people learn from the world of sport?
*** First Colour Transmission From The Geek Bunker*** Be more visible when you would normally be invisible to win more business and have better relationships. Happy selling! Chief Geek
Want to close more sales but don’t want to get in to complicated sales techniques? Here are two very simple and unsalesy ways to close more sales. Happy closing!
Fresh transmission from the Geek Bunker. Are you putting enough effort into loving your existing customers? Don’t get complacent…..
** First transmission from the Geek Bunker!** Poor sales conversation rates? Do you let too many people into your pipeline? Maybe some of those leads and opportunities should never have made it in….